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Does Cloud CMS work with iOS, Android, Node.js, PhoneGap, JavaScript, HTML5 and any other popular frameworks?

You work with Cloud CMS just like you would any other ReSTful HTTP/OAuth2 service. In addition, we have a library of drivers and developer guides that you can look to for guidance on building apps for the web as well as iPhone, iPad, Android, PhoneGap, Titanium and many other frameworks.

Score: 11.658665

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Authentication / Drivers

Drivers To connect to Cloud CMS, you need to establish two important pieces of information: The client that you are connecting as The user that you are signing on as The only way that a remote application can connect to your platform is if it can produce the correct credentials to identify itself as a client that you know about. As the platform administrator, you issue a client key/secret ahead of time. The application then needs to present these credentials to you and prove that it is who it sa

Score: 5.9882746

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Authentication / Drivers

Drivers To connect to Cloud CMS, you need to establish two important pieces of information: The client that you are connecting as The user that you are signing on as The only way that a remote application can connect to your platform is if it can produce the correct credentials to identify itself as a client that you know about. As the platform administrator, you issue a client key/secret ahead of time. The application then needs to present these credentials to you and prove that it is who it sa

Score: 5.9882746

Easy apps with Cloud CMS and Node.js

As we continue to enhance Cloud CMS, one of the directions that we’re pushing in is toward the application layer. We intend to offer increasingly more out-of-the-box applications for content authoring, curation and publishing aimed at marketing users. These applications need to be easy-to-use. They need to address the most common cases that our customers are asking for out-of-the-box. However, they also need to be easily extensible so that these same customers can take our apps and quickly custo

Score: 5.4749565

OAuth2, Clients and Authentication Grants

One of the things that I really like about our approach to server authorization is that we’ve elected to get completely behind the OAuth2 specification. Cloud CMS provides support for all of the OAuth2 flows. We provide an authorization and resource server so that you can separate concerns and perform the full three-legged “auth code” flow. Or you can simplify things and use something like a “password” or “implicit” flow depending on the security environment of your application. For environments

Score: 4.8511868

Cloud CMS and Your Mobile Strategy

Last week, a really interesting post was authored by Andrew Chen on why mobile application startups are bombing out like it was 1999. Andrew’s main point is that mobile startups approach the application market using a “hail mary” kind of development approach which is similar to how web sites were delivered in the late 90’s. He also compares the investor mentality today with that of the late 90’s. I really enjoyed Andrew’s article and also enjoyed the comments. In particular, I was inspired by so

Score: 3.9509192