Health Care / Compliance

Define and enforce regulatory, policy-level requirements for your content with auditability and accountability for every change, approval and deployment of content to your customers and service endpoints.

Customers in the Medical, Health Care and Pharmaceutical industries rely on Gitana to implement security requirements and deliver compliance for physicians, clinics and regulatory agencies around the world.

With richly structured data, incorporating AI-driven classification taxonomies, tags and relationships within the content graph, content undergoes approval and release while delivering a powerful competitive advantage.

Key Decision Factors

  • Regulatory Compliance

    Define strong security policies around content access and workflow-based approval with full auditing and assertion of access and content availability.

  • Delivery to Physicians and Clinical Staff

    Work on new content in batches with instant preview and approval. Schedule the timed release of those batches to targeted audiences with reporting.

  • Smart Taxonomies and Classification

    AI-powered taxonomy and classification engines automatically tag and mark up content metadata for powerful search, query and customized delivery to customers.

The Problem

Healthcare companies must comply with strict regulatory requirements related to the management and protection of patient data. Content management can help healthcare companies ensure compliance by providing access controls, audit logs, and versioning capabilities. Content applications need robust security features such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, and secure access controls to protect sensitive patient data from unauthorized access or breaches.

There can be vast quantities of data, including patient information, clinical data, and medical research. This data needs to be classified and organized in a meaningful way to facilitate efficient searching and retrieval. Managing the classification and taxonomy is important in creating a more structured and organized system of content management, which is necessary to improve the accuracy and efficiency of content retrieval.

Existing systems and applications need to integrate with with each other. By leveraging a composable architecture, companies can create a more cohesive infrastructure, with applications and systems working seamlessly together. This can help rapidly develop and deploy new applications and features, improving their ability to provide high-quality care to patients.

Automating many of the repetitive and time-consuming tasks associated with content management, such as data entry and formatting, will free up staff time to focus on more critical tasks, such as patient care. With content automation, companies can improve operational efficiency, reduce the risk of errors and inconsistencies, and improve the overall quality of patient care.

  • Security

    Enforce regulatory, policy-level requirements for your content with auditability and accountability

  • Structured Content, Classification and Taxonomy

    Organize, manage content efficiently and easily

  • Composable

    Need to integrate with other systems and deliver content where needed

  • Automation

    Automation tools required to streamline content workflows and reduce manual processes.

The Solution

The Gitana Platform provides the content management, pipeline and delivery facilities for Healthcare customers whilst meeting the necessary security and compliance requirements

The following product features map perfectly to the needs of the medical and health care compliance use case:

  • Security

    The Gitana provides robust security features help healthcare companies to protect their sensitive data and content. These security features include encryption, Single Sign On, Multi-Factor Authentication, and secure access controls.

  • Structured Content, classification and taxonomies

    The content is often complex and highly structured, making it challenging to manage. Gitana solves this problem by organizing content in a structured content format, with classification and taxonomies, allowing healthcare companies to easily search, retrieve, and analyze data. Healthcare companies can improve operational efficiency, reduce the risk of errors and inconsistencies, and improve the quality of patient care.

  • Composable architecture

    A composable architecture allows companies to integrate with other systems and applications. This means that existing technologies and tools can be leveraged to enhance their content workflows, without having to completely overhaul their existing infrastructure. This helps to rapidly develop and deploy new applications and features, improving their ability to provide high-quality care to patients.

  • Automation

    Gitana provides automation tools that help healthcare companies streamline their content workflows and reduce manual processes. This includes features such as workflow automation, content publishing, and content approval processes. These tools can help healthcare companies to save time and resources, while also improving content accuracy and consistency.

The Gitana Platform provides an ideal foundation for delivering content to impact regulatory compliance needs across a number of industries including healthcare, pharmaceuticals and medical.

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